No Michael, it doesn't. Nor does it mean that us harder-working 'middle-class' standard-tory-voters will be better-off in the NEAR future, either.
We are NOT voting Tory becasue the IMMEDIATE future will be brighter.... those of us who have lived through this before will already KNOW it's going to get a LOT worse for us in the short term..... it always HAS done....
But what we DO know is that, like taking nasty medicine, pruning trees, investing, planning for the future and ALL those middle-class concepts..... it leads to a BETTER HARVEST.... but LATER!
The Tory's 'point' is that we HAVE a problem caused by excess borrowing..... we know that we C*A*N*N*O*T make it better by BORROWING MORE!
This INSANE idea of INCREASING our deficit to cut the deficit is BLATANTLY wrong! That's like f*ck*ng to promote virginity!
And this is where the CLASS structure is in this discussion..... it is NOT the middle-class-Tory-voter who's STUPID enough to think that an 'Ocean Finance' approach is the CURE to the problem.... Ocean Finnace is aimed at the LOWER classes who are TOO THICK to see that it's NOT A SOLUTION!
Just tell us what YOU don't understand about this. Where am I/WE wrong in this logic?
1) We have a problem with the banks where they have lent money against JUNK assets 2) We did NOT have enough money to bail-out the banks from our 'cash assets' 3) We needed to borrow V*A*S*T sums of money to LEND to the banks. 4) We currently have the BIGGEST deficit (193 billion) EVER incurred by this country and that is SCAREY........ 5) Under Labour's plan..... we are due to I*N*C*R*E*A*S*E this to the simply MINDBLOWING figure of ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED BILLION (1.4 TRILLION!!!!) in the next 5 years..... That's debt of the AMERICAN proportions in a country a FRACTION as good at creating wealth 6) There are 5 countries in Europe who are counted a 'basket cases' who have incerased their borrowing to STRATOSPHERIC levels and they ALL may go bankrupt..... 7) Labour's plan is to borrow MORE THAN THEM!!!!!
That is EXACTLY like me borrowiung too much against my income but then planning a spending spree on MORE clothes and TVs so that I don't get DEPRESSED about the DEBT!!!!
That is utter I*N*S*A*N*I*T*Y!
The prudent 'middle-classes' know the ONLY way out of that is to CUT OUR EXPENDITURE! We don't WANT to do it: we just don't have a RATIONAL CHOICE!