Read what you have writen..... what we'd get is EXACTLY what we have now.... The only difference is that you end up biasing the make-up of the party share so it reflected the VERY temporary party-choices of the public on the day that you took the 'poll'.
In other words, the upper house would share the IDENTICAL party make-up to the lower house.... except the people involved would be old.... and usually discreditted, MPs.... and their Financial backers.....
And that.... looks like the Lords, today!
Personally, I MUCH preferred the hereditary system! The Lords then NEVER worried about being POPULAR.... they just got on with their WORK!
The obsession with supposed 'democracy' is very strange. If it's SUCH a god system...... why don't more of you think that McLaren, FIAt, Chelsea, Man. Utd., Cold Play, Beyonce, Microsoft, Gooogle, Apple, etc. would be BETTER run if they were run by an ELECTED COMMITTEE....? You know, the sort of committee like a Council...... You obviously think Councils run SO well.........
I mean.... that IS the logical next-step if 'democracy' IS the best way to run things.......