Chris..... you are right in principle....
The price of a LibLab coalition will be PR. That will give the Libs FAR more seats into the future and the COUNTRY will remain split three ways (at least) FOR E*V*E*R!.....
Never again will we have a FIRM Government with the power to MAKE the required but unpopular decisions because the two OTHER parties will always be able to gang-together to DEFEAT the MAIN party!
For the rest of TIME, we will have small and UNPOPULAR parties controlling the Government.
Look at the situation we have now:-
If the Tories try to bring in the Ulster MPs, they have to promise them CUTS throughout the REST of the UK..... but NO CUTS WHATSOEVER in Northern Ireland.
If the Tories try to bring in the Liberal MPs, they have to give them PR.
And so on.....
It's BAD now, but ..... just WAIT until we get PR! We'll have large Blocks of NUTTER parties.... for example... we would probably have AT LEAST THIRTY BNP MPs had we had PR in THIS election. What will we have to offer THEM to make a coalition.......??????
Hung Governments, which is what they will be FOREVER after this, have to give the PATHETIC parties VASTLY more power than they deserve...... and that AIN'T democracy!
Just loook at the REST of Europe who already HAVE PR.... that's EXACTLY what happens!
This result is a DISASTER for the UK! Period!