Ken.... be realistic:
How can ANYONE expect a government to LISTEN to them. There are 40 MILLION 'thems' in the system. That gives us at LEAST 40 million SEPARATE views! How can ANYONE represent ANYONE's views?????
On this web site, alone, have we EVER found a SINGLE COUPLE of writers who agree on EVERY SINGLE point? AlanRR, John, and myself agree on LOADS of things BUT..... on the subject of Animals, Speeding, Rotax etc.. we have CHASMS between our views! How the HELL would anyone be able to 'listen' to just US THREE, and that's without considering all the OTHER view points of the rest of you????
It's plain CHILDISH to think it's POSSIBLE for a politician to represent you on ALL your views!
That's why we have a REPRESENTATIVE system and not a DELEGATORY system!
My reason for finding her MINDLESS is that she fails to graps the CONCEPT of voting. If she said: I'll vote for the 'BNP or UKIP', or she said, 'Labour or Liberals', of the 'Tories or Independents', then it would show she understood the realtionship in politics.
However, to state that she wanted to vote for the Pure EVIL of the BNP policy with regards to race or the staggeringly 'laissez faire' attitude of the Libs on immigration shows that she simply has no CLUE about the subject..... she's just heard a few names and thinks this is some dort of TV TALENT SHOW.... and in MY book, she should be eliminated........ just from voting..... ... ... ....on second thoughts.........