But the problem you list SOUNDS as though there could be a REAL alternative to this system which avoids that problem. However, as all of us who THINK about it (including you) know.... there ISN'T
Currently, our system appears too 'granular' (I.e., one of 2 or 3 only real choices for 40 million or so voters). You and others are implying that there COULD be a better system by being less 'granular'.... but.....
Taken to it's extreme, each one of us would be able to cast a vote for ourselves: 40 million voters = 40 million 'MPs'. Taken to the 'low granularity extreme' that would seem to be ideal........ really.?????? 40,000,000 MP's..... would anything AT ALL get done......?
So... how many 'party-choices' SHOULD we have to reduce the granularity to a REASONABLE level? 10, 20, 100? Even at the MOST extreme of ONED THOUSAND party-choices, a SINGTE vote would STILL only be 1 from FORTY THOUSAND votes. How much differnce would you daughter's vote make then? Almost exactly the same amount of 'b*gg*r-all' as the CURRENT system.
Thus, the solution is NOT to do with the 2 or 3 party system. In truth, it's NOTHING to do with the 'parties' at ALL! It's to do with the VAST number of the PUBLIC! Put simply, there's TOO MANY OF US for any ONE of our votes to make any difference ON ITS OWN!
Even if we did away with MPs and Paries or ANY sort of representation and moved to FULL referendum on EVERY subject.... how much effect would your daughter's single vote have amongst the 40,000,000 OTHER voters? 'B*gg*r all' yet again!
So, we can see the 'b*gg*r all' argument can NOT be reduced or removed...... unless we take some sort of DRASTIC 'Nazi' action of killing 39,999,900 of the public leaving your daughter with a vote of 1 from 100 people..... even then, her single vote wouldn't have THAT much effect!
My point is that there is ABSOLUTELY ZERO way of removing or SIGNIFICANTLY reducing the 'b*gg*r all' effect.
That's not the problem......
The MOST 'egalitarian' system WOULD be to have the public response from Referna for the BIG questions...... do YOU trust the general public with the BIG decisions?
Would YOU want the result of asking the public if we should bring back hanging.....? Expel 'foreigners' (that would be BOTH of us gone!)? CANCEL all taxes? Make football-watching tax deductable?
Put bluntly, ALL voting systems are RUBBISH but our one IS the BEST-quality rubbish! Stick with it!