One of us is somewhat ....... confused.....!
As the VERY first person to sell ANY houses from the GLC (Greater London Council) to the public, I can tel,l you a thing or two about the policy in 1979/80 of letting Council Tenants buy their houses.... For precision, I was the VERY first agent in the UK to sell council houses under Maggie's new policies!
Firstly, without Maggie.... your parents would NEVER have been ALLOWED to buy their house! Nor would ANYBODY ELSE! It was Tory Policy. Your beloved Labour Party was VEHEMENTLY against your parents being ALLOWED to but.
Not a SINGLE person was FORCED to buy their council house and they could have refused if they had wished. I assume that your parents CHOSE to buy like everyone else.
To add to the humour, I actually sold ONE of the houses to a VERY well-known GLC councillor who was very HARD left-wing (damned nigh a Trotsky-ite). He came to see ME to ask if he should buy it or not! I had to assure him I'd NEVER tell anyone who he was. He, too, could see that it was the ONLY way he could get a little 'capital' underneath himse;lf for his old age! We had met MANY times during the previous elections where I would HECKLE him while he held political rallies which happened to be outside my office..... and then send him and his colleagues Tea and Cakes!
We also both know WHY they bought their own house. Like everyone else, they prefered to have CONTROL of their houses.... plus... and I am guessing here.... they fancied making the predicted profit on their own house Just like A*L*L the R*E*S*T of us!
Finally, they will have bought it at VASTLY below the PROPER price had it been sold on the OPEN market! How do I know? Because, when I suggested to the GLC that I could get VASTLY more for the houses they had asked me to sell if they LET me.... they blanched and RAN ROUND LIKE HEADLESS CHICKENS and they B*E*G*G*E*D me not to put that idea in WRITING! I agree so long as they wrote me a letter stating that the houses were to be sold at the prices dictated by THEM; I was not willing to sell houses at BELOW the market price and be the one who WAS responsible for the under-pricing!
For precision, even before the 'discounts' the prices were about 50% below true value and, with discounts, I was selling them for LESS THAN ONE THIRD the REAL value! If you doubt my memory of any of this, try to get a copy of a VERY young me on TV from BBC news on the Sunday 4th May 1980 giving an interview on the subject..... I was selling houses that would have been worth £20,000 for less than EIGHT THOUSAND to 'tenants'. So cheap were these houses.... that one bloke arrived with CASH in a SUITCASE to pay for one! These were NOT already rented to the the buyers as these were BRAND NEW HOUSES!
The system was RIGGED to make it EASIER for your parents (and others like them) to get onto the property ladder. It was made SO easy for council tenants that it was CRIMINALLY UNFAIR to those people who WERE NOT council tenants!
The politics were simple: people who owned their own houses were more likely to look after them AND be good neighbours AND.... vote TORY!
Yes.... the DISASTERS caused by the 1988 budget DID hit your parents plus all the R*E*S*T of us Tory AND Labour voters! I P*E*R*S*O*N*A*L*L*Y lost over £100,000 on my house at the time! The 'damage done' to your parents was a FRACTION of what was done to the REST of us who had NOT been damned-nigh GIVEN a house at VASTLY below market price!
Do remember: no one MADE your parents buy their house! They CHOSE to do so with the same desires and aims as the REST of us! Any pain caused to them by the 17% (and higher) interest rates of the late 1980s and early 1990s hit ALL the REST of us as well! The difference was that the Tories believed (correctly) that YOUR parents should have the same (actually: a BETTER) chance to own their own house as the rest of us! As usual, the Tories believed in people being given a CHANCE to have some MONEY.... the Labour aim is to DRAG the better off DOWN to a level! What you see today is a RESULT of that joke view of Brown's!
Perhaps you can tell me how THAT policy was DESIGNED to 'hurt' the working classes! I am DAMNED if I can see it UNLESS you say that trying to help RAISE people from LOWER class to MIDDLE class counts as being 'bad' for the remaining lower classes!