I think David might be correct!
Although you can't see them, the hubs COULD be still within the wheel 'offset'. What threw me was that the wheels move away rotating smoothly: I expect a wheel with a hub attached to rotate VERY eccentrically. I was also expecting the hub to be 'stationary' while the wheel remained rotating as that was the state theye were in just before they left the car. However, the brakes would have been applied FULLY, even after the 'hub' failed and would have only released after the brake lines were torn out.
In my defence, there are a couple of components leaving the incident (upward) that were about the right size as the hubs; however, on futher inspection, I suspect these were carbon fibre ducting of some sort.
However, I STILL can't see how the failire of ONE hub would trigger the failure of the other. Secondly, what is the POINT of the tethers if they DON'T hold the hub to the 'wishbone' in such a failure?
Whatever the cause or incident, it is NASTY!
Apologies for my probable error!