Simon , I would dispute a few things but on the whole i agree with your points . Fortunately you have address the matters in more of a calm manor than Ian , all his points were valid and correct and unfortunately young drivers don't seem to get it .
I know of a femal young driver who has written off far to many cars .... her driving at times is fine , but at others not even close ... therefore she is a high risk . This came up before when someone asked about making young drivers safer , i answered first with a simple you won't
In the USA there are capped limits to how high premiums can be , with huge excess after you have a claim , this may be a better and fairer system than the uk
Your claim that the IAM can get you cheap insurance as a member is dubious , i have passed and was a member but didn't bother to keep it up purely because we go insurance cheaper outside of any discount they got us . Again thats not saying knowbody does ,as all insurance has so many variables and no 2 people are the same .
poor risk with young drivers is and will be always the same , its been that way since the dawn of time and will never ever change .