There's not much point in using 'logic' with you, is there? You make a claim that the average 5 year old would see was ludicrous, especially if they had READ what I wrote. What it shows is that you have a tenuous grasp of reading and/or Logic!
You suggest that, from my point that I MIGHT have implied that driving the car FASTER (like a bullet) MIGHT be safer....... try thinking, sunshine!
The 'flight' of a bullet (as described in the previous reply) is 0.15 seconds. If Lewis's car HAD accelerated at the same rate as the bullet accelerates AND had only managed to travel for 0.15 seconds AND had stopped with the rapidity of a bullet..... then YES..... (with his skill) it probably WOULD have been safer for the public........ however....... (do I even need to DISCUSS, the 'however'.....?)...... just in case I do....... do you think that Lewis's wheel spin moment lasted ONLY 0.15secs or achieved 700mph............?
If you can't grasp why that alters things.... then...... I'll wait until someone who CAN think logically comes along!
From your last paragraph...... I need details of your er.....errrrr.......thinking (!)
1) Do you REALLY think ANYONE is in 'full control' of a kart/car at speeds in (for example) the 100mph range? Full control MUST mean that you CAN control every POSSIBLE (not PROBABLE) evenuality.....?
2) If you really DO believe that, can you explain why you haven't written to Red Bull and Sauber to ask for an F1 seat in replacement of Kobayashi and Webber..... or didn't you NOTICE what happened when momentum and time overcame their abilities to control THEIR cars? Clearly, you would be worth a FORTUNE to them because your utterly SUPERHUMAN abilities to reamin in control when the car is clearly OUT OF CONTROL of mere F1 Drivers..... While we are 'at it', why haven't you written to replace Schumacher, Hamilton and the 'Hulk' TOO as I suspect that you think THEY might have been in 'full control', too!
Please answer those SPECIFIC points..... you don't need to copy and paste them........