"After pulling the trigger or 'hitting the throttle' as you put it, the analogy fails. You still have control of the car"
Again, total TRIPE for exactly the reasons I have in the previous reply. You are NOT in control of your car once your speed rises in the manner you PRETEND to believe! You MAY be in control within the range of EXPECTED events, but you are NOT in control when the unexpected occurs..... whish IS the cause of most road accidents.... the UNexpected! .....and I will SHOW you an example which covers the WHOLE point:
At 70mph on a clear sunny, dry day with NO traffic, on a motorway, you could reasonably assume that you CAN stop or steer safely within the distance that you can safely see (assuming you are NOT a pr*tt, that is). In 999,999 out of 1,000,000 you WILL be safe. But....... in EXACTLY that situation, my brother's brother-in- law found that a COW ran out from behind a BRIDGE SUPPORT. He was in the middle lane with traffic on both sides and all his option were REMOVED simply because of the momentum.
I can assure you he was SCREAMING at his car to S*T*O*P until the moment it HIT the cow!
The point, here is that you only THINK you are in control of the car (more strictly, the MOMENTUM [or INERTIA, if you are old-school!]) once you have added SUFFICIENT momentum! You AREN'T!
Just like the GFM..... you WERE in FULL control until you hit the trigger/throttle. Incredibly, in a car, the faster you go, the LESS you are 'in control'!
What you MEANT top claim was that the DIFFERENCE with the bullet, is that you have abandonned ALL control after pulling the trigger. In a car, you still retain SOME control! However, not a LOT of control! Nowhere NEAR as much as you pretend to believe!
But still, you are missing the point! The difference is that the RESULT of the trigger is that you are MORE in control of the items SURROUNDING you.... i.e., the OTHER PEOPLE!
Fired horizontally by a standing man on level ground, the realistic bullet ALWAYS travels for EXACTLY 0.15 seconds (without ricochet). Our GFM only has to be CERTAIN that nothing is in the line of fire for the NEXT 0.15 seconds. That doesn't leave a lot of time for ANYBODY or thing to move into the line of fire...... BUT at 70mph (for example) a DRIVER needs to be able to predict the 'positions' that everybody CAN achieve within the next (roughly) 5.135 seconds to be as safe becasue that is how long it will take (without reaction-time) to stop the current 'average car'!!
If you can work though 'logic', you'll see it's SAFER for GFM to fire his pistol down a crowded street (so long as he's pointing at empty space, hoizontally) than it is to DRIVE down that same street at 70mph! Even SUICIDAL people can't jump into the line of fire of the bullet if the street is clear within the TIME; whereas, with a CAR at 70mph in a crowned street, you could manage to PUSH a BUS into the centre of the road from a side street before the car can stop!
Like many others, you KEEP making the mistake that you ARE in 'full control'...... yeah..... like Kobayashi and Webber were in FULL control...... until they needed to STOP quicker than the car was willing to LET them!