To make an analogy work, it has to be between similar things. Compare:
1) Guns and Cars when used stupidly or badly or when they develop a fault, can maim or kill VERY easily. 2) Guns and cars need skill and CONCENTRATION to be handled safely 3) Playing with cars and guns is FUN for some people 4) The element of 'risk' involved in guns and cars excites many people, including 'on-lookers', but they seems to excite the young, the stupid and the immature even more than the rest of the populace..
However, I know that social morays in the UK work STRONGLY against guns being treated as lightly as we do cars. I can thus show that the REAL difference between the two is that ALL of you UK people would prevent people from doing what is BLATANTLY stupid with guns but that MILLIONS of you can't see that the SAME stupidty with cars is stupid, too!
I choose guns as the analogy because even YOU can see when LUDICROUS risks should be prevented, even thyough you choose to remain 'blind' to the IDENTICAL risks posed by cars!
However, it is worth noting that I could NOT use the 'guns' analogy in the USA simply becasue THEY are as mindless about the dangers of guns as some of you about the dangers posed by cars!
Finally, I choose that analogy because it is simply UNBEATABLE in any argument where people are willing to be RATIONAL!