I think you guys have always been unfair to the commentators. Most, if not ALL of them are useless; I can't see how you pick on one more than another. Personally, I LOATHE the Jokey imbeciles from the MoptoGP coverage but it really is like '.....deciding precendence between a Flea and a Louse....!'. I suspect one if Parish..... but the other is an Aussy and that's NEVER a good thing!
However, I accept them..... like bad wallpaper!
Remember, I have grown up/old with Murray! Nobody was WORSE than Murray but people grew to love him like that old, annoying uncle at an annual Christmas party! I regularly used to turn the sound OFF rather than listen to him!
I suppose I started with Raymond Baxter and John Bolster (as the 'pit's correspondent'). Now they KNEW about cars..... Murray never did.
I though Hunt was good because he said so little but WHAT he said was worth it!
I suspect it's all 'personal taste'.
BUT..... for those of us who had 10 or so years with NO regular Formula 1 coverage (because of a Welsh, ex Rugby-laying CRETIN who disapproved of Durex sponsorship on cars...... I kid you NOT!) then I am GREATFUL for the coverage we get.
It least we don't have Gabby Roslin or any of the OTHER B*I*M*B*O*S!