I don't avoid the 'SHOUTING' for the same reason YOU don't want a more moderate sound system..... we both LIKE what we do!
.... execpt my shouting won't suddenly leave me stranded by a roadside on a wet night when you've been using headlights, wipers, heated rear screen, heater fan AND the 'stereo' and have flattened your battery!
However, as a nice peace offering, there IS a solution....
Go to a GOOD auto electrician and ask if you can fit an uprated alternator to your car which CAN deliver the power you need to power EVERYTHING at once. I am pretty damned sure that you can!
However, just like riding your bike with your dymano driving the lights, you WILL feel the extra 'strain' when you put everything on at once in the car.... you don't have a lot of power in the C2 (sorry.... but that's life!) and taking the power to drive those extra electrics has to come from SOMEWHERE! And that'll be that your acceleration will decrease and the fuel consumption will INCREASE when you run everyting at once. Remember, you NEVER get something for nothing!
However, DO change something about the car so that you DON'T flatten the battery (stronger alternator or smaller amplifier). Girlfriends (I assume you have them at your age) are NOT impressed by cool cars with great audio.... that won't start on a wet night...... and that WILL happen to you!
Next choice: if you have a garage for your car.
1) Buy a trickle charger 2) buy a pair of waterproof plug/sockets.... something like this:-
3) Fit them to the charger and to the car somewhere you can get easy access but not visible to the rest of the world. 4) when you park your car at night, engage the charger via the quick-release plug-socket
That way you'll start with a good battery fill every morning.
Next option:-
1) Go to Maplins 2) Buy one of THESE for £14.99
3) Get a GOOD autoelectrician to wire your cigarette lighter so that it remains LIVE when the ignition is OFF (most cut-out when you remove the car keys). It's REALLY easy to do. Just make CERTAIN he fits an 'inline fuse' as well!
4) Then, when you park your car at college during the day, plug in the solar charger via the cigarette lighter and it WILL trickle-recharge your car while you are away from it!
My son is a Pilot in the RAF. When he's away, he leaves his car pliugged into his solar charger.... it works
You can use those chargers by clipping them to the battery but that's a FAFF.... and you won't bother on a bad day...... and your car won't start that evening!
Are we 'friends' now?