2) Apology accepted Ian!
1) I should have put some form of time line or some form of scale into the last posting. I apologise myself, I overlooked that point! (Somewhere between finishing lunch at work and trying to get all my points into one posting no doubt!).
To clear things up. At this point in time I DO see Fernando (and Lewis come to that) as 'by far the superior sportsmen' when compared to Schumacher. My point is (that I did not get across in my previous post) that Michael has had more time (more seasons) available to undertake his misdemeanours that constitute cheating! What I am saying is give Fernando 5 years in a red car and whilst I hope we won’t, I would not be surprised if we were classifying him in the same 'group' as Schumacher. On the contrary, I may be eating a big slice of humble pie!
Fernando has many seasons ahead of him, unfortunately it seems they are going to be undertaken driving a red car. Given the fact that he has proven that he is capable of cheating (as Michael had) prior to joining Ferrari, now he is with Ferrari (who we agree promote doing anything that is required to win - i.e. cheating) we can only wait to see if he will get anywhere near (if at all near) Michael’s category. I re-iterate, I HOPE that we DONT, but I would not be surprised if we DID in seasons to come!
Comparing Fernando to Michael now would be like comparing Cristiano Ronaldo or Dider Drogba to David Ginola 10-15 years ago (apologies for the Football reference). All like to take a tumble (regularly throw themselves on the floor looking for a foul) and subsequently all are cheats. But at the time when Ginola was throwing himself on the floor I am sure both Cristiano and Didier looked like saints because they were younger, further back in their careers and had not had the chance to throw themselves on the floor during high profile matches! Look at all three of them now and if anything the younger kids are WORSE than Ginola! I am not suggesting that Fernando will be worse than Schumacher, just using it as an example to prove my point!
As I said in my initial posting on this subject, I will re-evaluate my opinion on Alonso in a few years time!
I did carry this thread on from a thread lower down the message list, only because the notice board said there were too many postings for the thread and I had to make another!