Tee hee!
I think my bubbly is safe! Just read the DRIVEL he just posted to me on the subject!
If he DOES take up your offer when you have done no work at ALL on the subject it will be up to your concience whether you accept my 'payment' when you have done nothing to deserve it.....
You throught I was 'extreme' but now you are beginning to get the idea of EXACTLY what's going on!
And on that subject....
.... you claim to let people with, what you class as, 'daft ideas' just get on with it (well you did in your previous posting....). Can you explain to me how to 'square' that position with your reply to MY posting about football? I am having trouble with the concept of you recommending that we should ignore 'silly' views..... It seems that, like me, if YOU care about the subject... you leap in, too! The relative micro-importance of football versus the fate of the PLANET seems to make my actions even MORE reasonable!