Absolutely what I expected from you.
Let me explain. You claim that any scientist who predicts the climate future is a fool..... You also state that you HAVE read nothing and that you INTEND to read nothing on the subject...... and yet YOU claim to have a valid opinion that deserves hearing!
So, a man who HAS studied the subject for his entire LIFE is a fool to make a prediction but YOU, an IGNORANT (used literally on this suject) man and a man who WALLOWS in his ignorance of this subject CAN make a valid prediction.
Can you see ANY 'anomaly' in that concept......?
Clearly, you CAN'T so I'll explain it in simple terms by using an analogy that even YOU might understand! I know F***-ALL aboiut football but Alex Fergusson has spent his LIFE in the game. By YOUR logic, I am in a BETTER position to discuss football than Alex.....
If you can't see how STUPID that comcept is, then my description of you as a 'moron' is pretty damned accurate!