Quote: "I'm quite happy to listen to what you and others have to say"
Errrr..... in that case, perhaps you'd like to tell us what articles actually WRITTEN by 'scientists' you HAVE read about climate change? One of the two of us actually REMEMBER what you said about not believeing ANYTHING said by scientists! Or have you now DROPPED that daft claim! If you still hold to that claim, then your claim that you are happy to 'listen' to other's views a little difficult to understand......
And what ARE you claiming in the lead to this thread:-
1) The BBC have vested interest in LIEING about the weather? 2) The Government tell the MET office to LIE to the BBC so that can trick a bloke LIVING IN FRANCE?
Face it: had you BOTHERED to LOOK at a weather chart, you would have seen a VERY noticable 'band' of cold 'weather' sitting 'north of' a VERY warm band E*X*A*C*T*L*Y as stated on the BBC. Because it doesn't happen to pass over YOU does not mean it does not EXIST!
And for those of you who wonder about my vehemence on this one, just LOOK a few threads below and see RoadRat yet AGAIN claiming that this cold snap 'PROVES' that global warming doesn't exist. His first posting in THIS thread is all part of his demented 'conspiracy' theory that global warming was invented by the British Govt to tax HIM (living in FRANCE, you may note!) and that they have put pressure on the Met Office and the BBC to pretend that the TREND is getting warmer......
Exasperation drives my posts to him on this one!