Do you lot REALLY want to learn about 'weather' forecasting and CLIMATE forecasting? If there was the SLIGHTEST risk of you learning from information, it might JUST be worth explaining it to you..... however... so far... you haven't shown ANY willingness nor ABILITY to UNDERSTAND the information you have been given, so I doubt it would be worthwhile!
To make things simple for you: did ALL of you think that because Jenson won the first six races that, those of us who were predicting that he would win the CHAMPIONSHIP thought he was going to win EVERY race? Do NONE of you understand the simplest concept of a TREND????
And.... just for Road Rat..... here's a map which was NOT produced by the BBC:
I knows that you are CLEARLY the most important man in Europe and thus your local weather conditions MUST be repeated throughout the REST of Europe but you might like to note that the temp in Athens (for example) was 17 Decrees Centigrade at the time of posting this. I know it's a surprise but the weather really DOESN'T care where RoadRat is sitting at this moment!
Oh..... and perhaps you'd like to note that the BBC and the 'Met Office' are NOT the same oprganisation...... Still, why should I be surprised that you don't even get THAT simple concept.....
I am beginning to think you LIKE being ridiculed. Why ELSE would you make it SO easy?