[Ian] > “ 1) You're not convinced. So...? What did you expect if you have not read the stuff in detail? The subject is too complex for 'tabloid' discussions. If not.... how do you suggest we DO 'inform' you of the facts?????? “
[DavyBoy] > I’ve two points to make here.
First, I have extensive academic qualifications in engineering and science. If you’d like to know more about what they are, I’ll e-mail you as I’d rather not broadcast to the world here. I’ve read extensively on the subject of AGW [let me use this TLS for now] and have spoken to people more read in the issue and more passionate about it than I. I’ve not read the New Scientist in a very long time and maybe that’s towing a different line on this and has something more to offer. There’s of course the possibility that I, or all sceptics, are immediately convinced by an occurrence or something they see or hear tomorrow. That could happen.
Second, I may have a very deep technical background but Joe Public doesn’t. AGW is not a fact, it’s an extremely complex hypothesis and it requires buy in and belief. Because neither side of this debate has been able to simplify the issue in a way that people at large understand, mass confusion has ensued and politicians have decided to act on their own agendas before doing anything else. This can only be dangerous.
[Ian]> “ 2) That's why active carbon extraction is NOT being PRACTICALLY proposed as yet! However, it does NOT require a Neuro Surgeon to work out that
* If excess Carbon Dioxide (and other GH gases) is cuasing the problem * It makes sense to REDUCE the CO2 we produce * Be fair, what sort of IDIOT would say: "we don't know if 'our' CO2 is causing the problem..... so we'll just CARRY ON..... even though it might be killing us! “
[DavyBoy] > If excess CO2 is causing the problem, then it makes absolute sense to reduce the CO2 we produce, I agree. But you need to invert this argument and look at the effect before you take the action. Our way of life is totally dependent on the production of CO2. To reduce it by a level required to fundamentally revert the present CO2 to a level it was before the industrial revolution would have an immediate and cataclysmic effect on the existence of man. So, if our choice is between killing us later or killing us now… then the sensible option would be to buy time.
[Ian] > “ 3) Nobody is CLAIMING that what we are doing is the BEST option. It's just that we can't be CERTAIN that there are BETTER methods! However, exactly like the previous answer... are you REALLY suggesting that: if you suspected that Peanuts were causing you to be SEVERELY ill, that you'd carry on eating them by the BUCKET full until we could produce 'conclusive proof' that it WAS the peanuts! The FIRST action a sane person would be to STOP stuffing their face while they did more tests! That is an EXACT parallel! It is EXACTLY what even POLITICIANS are currentlky suggesting: cut our INCREASED production of CO2 and wait until we can SEE the effect! “
[DavyBoy] That’s a rather bad analogy Ian… a better one is this. If I suspected the air I was breathing was killing me, would I reduce the amount of air I’m ingesting, would I cut my air supply altogether or would I continue breathing the foul air until such time as I was absolutely sure that was causing the problem ?