As usual.... please can you give us EVIDENCE of what you claim!
I wonh't bother with the rest until you can PROVE a SINGLE thing you have said (i.e., give us some EVIDENCE of what you claim). Show us EXACTLY how you calculated the cost of the CO2 produced by the Prius!
Your view is SO tabloid as to be laughable! No sensible person is suggesting that we ALL drive Priuses. You have read too much Clarkson.....
A REALISTIC solution would be for each of us to 'drop' a car 'model' (e.g., me from the Subaru to Diesel Turbo Golf, a FIAt owner to a BMW 335, a Golf owner to a Polo, etc.). Not a Prius even in SIGHT there! Stop proposing views that only 'Sun' 'readers' (oxymoron, there!) can comprehend!