Be fair... I DID dress you down but it WASN'T your malapropism (or 'Miss Prism' as I once heard it called.... wrong book, 'Rivals' not 'Ernest'!) on which I concentrated: it was the fact that MOST scientists agree that GW/CC exist and a slightly smaller number blame humans for a significant part of it and you REALLY don't seem to have read enough about the subject to go AGAINST those views!!
I started like YOU have; I simply didn't beleive it! The argument that melting the Arctic ice would raise the sea levels is B*LL*CKS and still IS! Floating ice diplaces EXACTLY the same amount of water as the water IN the ice! However, I'd forgotten that warm water is LARGER than cold water and thus the sea rises becasue ALL the water will be 'larger' when it's warmer.
However, as time progressed, I was one of the LAST people to change my views until the evidence simply FLOODED any of my objections! Find ANY evidence (not 'opinions' or 'polls' but EVIDENCE) that it's the planet is NOT suffering GW/CC or that a significant PART of the GW/CC is NOT caused by us! I am DAMNED if I can find such 'evidence'! Rememeber, I want EVIDENCE in 'peer reviewed' papers!
Again, you choose to 'do it' in this reply! Who the HELL are Y*O*U to state:-
"but their understanding is not conclusive"
.....tell us EXACTLY on what you base THAT 'decision'! What EXACTLY have you read, studied, discovered, researched, etc., which ALLOWS you to make SUCH a daft statement! Your statement is about as well researched as any of MY opinions on Ballet, Train Spotting and Reality TV! I know S*D ALL about them!