It is something I have questioned, not bullying but harassment, laws on bullying are very vague in the work place never mind a public forum, when it strays outside of sexism, racism etc
One mans banter is anothers harassment, context and previous history plays a part, each person has views on acceptable and not acceptable
As a union rep ( yep itpro should make you happy, you kept telling me to stand but been standing for 4 years, elected the same way as mps but elected every year to represent a group of people )
Deal with a wide range of issues…unions don’t just work in strikes, harassment has some clear rules when outside legal ism rules
1. any party can ask the offending party to stop, the fact they find it a form of harassment means the other has to change their actions to that person, if not able to do so themselves can instruct their manager or rep to explain to the person
it is a common sense rule that normally removes the issue or ends up down the conduct code, unless both parties are strong characters…then it gets very messy…in court before xmas for such a case
seen 3 posts in recent times on ukk that are not harassment but direct and clear threats, 2 based on meetings in the real world and one abuse which was apoligised for
simple rule for this forum, question the post not the poster…insults directed at intelligence, class distract from the debate and egos come into play…debate goes out the window and turns into a personnel war
the one reason I still read this forum is because of the different views it offers and the time people put into their posts, respect that even if I disagree
in a world of distractions people still think…but just my keyboards view