Davy. Please note your comment: someone told you that you had not greased enough palms... and you believed it... from just ONE person who may no sod-all about anything!
I have no doubt that there is SOME greasing of palms but that will be at a MUCH higher level where the recipient will be getting VERY large sums from someone who stands to make (or lose) a FORTUNE (millions!) from the 'right' decision.
There's a logic here: the MORE people from whom you accept a bribe, the more chance of it going badly wrong through simple bad luck. The risks of the bribe being discovered versus a few hundred quid is NOT worth it if the recipient has the SLIGHTEST common sense. Tha recipient is probably on between £50k and £100k per year, why risk all of that income for a few hundred if it goes wrong? The risks of it going wrong for £100,000 may be worth it... to some people.