Dan bet he also checked your car, tax, insurance etc......and made a judgement on other aspects of you......been drinking etc
cameras are a weapon for the police but not the police
unmanned cameras open up massive loopholes because they rely on a number plate.....i can get show plates for £10 the pair.....or just nick them off another car
only way to police the roads is to police them, traffic cops dont worry about speeding, they worry about all aspects, 10 pints of lager, few long cigs and set of show plates i know i could drive from top to the bottom of our country at any speed i choose and not get pulled by sticking to roads controlled by cameras, no insurance needed, no mot, no tax and someone else will get the tickets..........SPECS, ANPR, GATSO all rely on the one thing we can all change on our cars for a tenner with a screwdriver....maddness and dangerous, need the fear factor back of being stopped