I am having to expain this in a MUCH slower way than I expected..... even for YOU, Doink!
Look, the concept of speeding being DANGEROUS and something that should be STOPPED does NOT depend on whether I do it, or whether I am being Hypocrite or ANYTHING ABOUT ME! I am not THAT IMPORTANT!
Think it THOUGH!
What is YOUR view about Murder? I assume you disaprove of it and it should remain Illegal! If you found that I was a murdered, would THAT stop you from KNOWING that it was WRONG to murder?????
Even I am speeding 500 times a day, I have NO effect on whether it's right or WRONG!
Christ: I thought I had an inflated idea about MY importance but YOU guys are raising me to a level of 'importance' that sounds wierd, even to a 'big head' like me!
What I do does NOT matter! What matters is the LAW and SAFETY!
I am STAGGERED by this..... did you all think I was a SAINT?????? Please let me tell ALL of you who really seem to imagine that I AM a saint.... I am NOT!
Luckily, NOT being a saint does NOT stop ANY of us from knowing what IS right or WRONG!
Nobody has to QUALIFY to know what is RIGHT! Damn it, if we did.... none of YOU lot would EVER manage it!
There, does THAT explain it!