We'll play a game, shall we? You tell me, hand on heart, that you have NEVER pilferred anything from your work place. Now tell me your veiws on MP's expenses. Both are EXACTLY the same 'crime' and tus, that eliminates YOU from having ANY view on the subject if your current (pious) stance is correct!
When you can reconcile your views on those two items, then I might start to see your point.
Having said that, you have given me a GREAT idea. Clearly, there must be other IMBECILES like you who think that I really AM perfect and, so long as I refuse to even HINT that I may not be, then they will carry on believing it. On that basis, I think I ouight to start some new religion becasue, in YOUR eyes, I 'fit the bill' for the new Messiah! I don't need to DO anything, like walk on water, change water into wine or raise the dead. All I need to do is have strong views on something..... and it sounds a though the more guillible will THINK I am perfect! I understand it's EXTREMELY profitable to bea LIVING messiah and I need to tgake some advice on how best to EXPLOIT such gullible people. I think it's time tried!
And....as you are SO fascinated by my previous statements, why don't you search for the one here I expressedmy FULL views which ioncluded the concept of CONCENTRATION! Then you might JUST begin to understand my position.... but I doubt it!
Finally, let's assume that you could actually WIN with the point you are making. Can you bear to LIVE with the implications? Because.... that would imply that you can NEVER object to ANYTHING wrong that you have done yourself at ANY stage in your life. Being a gambling man, I'll put a bet that, in your life, you have committed all 7 of the deadly sins and, assuming the Bible can be trusted, that leaves you NOTHING left on which to complain... becasue you seem to claim that IF you have committed a sin, you are BARRED from holding a negative view about it!