You daft hap'orth! You berate me for not answering the question.... where that 'question' is about my answer where I S*A*I*D that I CANNOT S*A*Y what is the 'truth'!
Anyone with an OUNCE of sense would KNOW what I was saying.... and that preclude YOU!
I ALSO stressed the point that I DO not condemn people for being able to RECOGNISE right and wrong even if they do it THEMSELVES!
Damn it, I a NOT a christian but even **I** know that only ONE person on this planet was supposed to be PERFECT ..... and I DO NOT CLAIM THAT IT'S **M*E**!
I'll try it more SIMPLY for you! I suspect that there is not ONE of you (us) who has NOT taken a paperclip or a sheet of paper home from our work or some OTHER act of PILFERING (theft!) TO WHICH WE ARE NOT ENTITLED.... However, does THAT mean that you (we) can NEVER object if the Irish Prime Minister (Taoiseach) took the £1,000,000 BRIBE? Explain THAT logic......!
In YOUR View, I am NOT allowed to object to speeding if I have EVER sped..... but YOU cn complain about MPs, Presidents and Prime Ministers who 'commit frauds at work' even if YOU have done so!
If you WANT to mention Hypocisy..... look in your OWN direction! I, for one, have NEVER claimed that I have ALWAYS been PERFECT! I KNOW the things that I have done and I am AWARE that they are wrong.... YOU lot can't even SEE that Speeding is Wrong and nor can you see that, when YOU 'borrow' a pad of 'post-it-notes' that YOU are committing FRAUD AT WORK!
Let's put it in a way that you MIGHT undertstand:-
"Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?"
I am NOT (and have NEVER claimed) not to have a whole SAW MILL of errors in MY eye.
However, only an utter MORON would stand up in the Police Station and say.... 'Oh yes.... I speed all the time.....'!
Why do I have to explain even the SIMPLEST things to you????????? Use your OWN brains!