As a programmer by trade, my LIFE is dictated by understanding the concept of Logic. My 'trade' requires absolutely PRECISE and clear thinking. Wooliness in words leads to disaster! Even an incorrect use of the words 'and' or 'or' causes DISASTER.
The pair of you have a complete LACK of ability to think CLEARLY and PRECISELY and thus you are undable to comprehend why some of us can use our words like Scalpels when you are using them like baseball bats! It's the reason why you are NOT programmers..... nor logicians..... and the reason why you simply CANNOT understand the meanings of simple phrases NOR the reason why some of us chose specific words and not others!
Becasue this is self-evidently true, there is no point in holding a LOGICAL discussion with you two when you don't even COMPREHEND Logic.... so I'll decend to your levels:-
"My Dad is bigger than YOUR dad!"
"He who smelled it, dealt it!"
"Nerr, nerr, ne nerrr NERRR!"
Is THAT easier for you two?
I'll carry on using words PRECISELY, subtley and accurately for those who HAVE evolved far enough to understand them but, as Douglas Adams said: ".......for the rest of you, the secret is to just keep banging the rocks together..."