1) No it DOESN'T. I have also never denied that I a dead, green pygmy. You CANNOT use that to infer that I AM a dead green pygmy..... or ANY sort of pygmy, for that matter.
2) Not an attempt at diversion; simply a demonstration of how to use LOGIC.... you clearly need it from your HOWLER (failure in logic) in your assumptions aboout point '1)'.....
I Quote: "How you have the gall to sit there and repeat ad nauseum of how the limits need enforcing, and you go out of your way to ensure that they are where it suits YOU, and then by your own admission, admit that you do break those limits beggars belief."
Errrr..... Did I read that CORRECTLY or did you fail to put in about 28 paragraphs there? Why? Because your conclusions LEAP from A to X without passing via ANY logic in between.
.... here..... you're not a WOMAN are you? They specialise in THAT sort of...... 'intuition' (I think you call it). We MEN call such intuition: "B*LL*CKS" but it sounds as though you are NOT acqainted with such items, hence my assumption that you may be FEMALE! There is no OTHER explanation of how you can jump from my DENIAL to a claim that I ADMITTED I sped? Should I now call you MRS Jasper instead.....?
Learn to READ what's written and then learn to UNDERSTRAND logic. It'll help you!
Oh..... and I don't remember giving YOU permission to decide when a discussion is ENDED! My half of this ends only when **I** say so!
Pip pip, old chap....errr..... lady!