You'll note it seems to begin when the guy was riding slowly enough for him to feel safe. Someone else wanted to go FASTER and there are a HUGE number of people ON THIS WEB SITE who feel it IS there right to go AS FAST AS THEY LIKE and D*A*M*N anyone who doesn;t agree with that speed.
So far, I have had about 10 people get out of their cars and threaten me when I am trying to draw attentioan to the speeding laws! I ALWAYS set up a video camera with an overview of where I will be standing and it's the FIRST thing I point out the the potential assailant.
It does come as a shock! I was once repairing my house when I pointed out one guy's speeding and he leaped out of his open top car and ran back to where I was....... slightly raising the mallet and chisell I was holding at the time may JUST have altered his view and he turned on his heels and went BACK to his car without a word.....
I am NOT suggesting that those who disagree with speed cameras are ALL like that.... BUT... they're COMPLETELY WRONG views about 'speed doesn't kill' and 'it's all about revenue' and 'I should be allowed to set my OWN limits if I feel safe'.... are EXACTLY the views that the viloent MORONS hang onto and use for the excuse FOR their violence. That B***RD who hit the bloke will use EXACTLY those three arguments (and all the REST of them) when (if) he is caught!