Ian, didn’t advise not voting, as the 1st post statement reflected "only vote if you believe in the party you are voting for" don’t just vote because you can…..please don’t miss quote me, but cant stop you
My national referendum point of argument has been used many times and way before the expenses row, yes it is wrong but more worried about the budgets entrusted to the same people, budgets that always seem to go over in time and money and we pick up the bill, pfi scheme as one example…..we the public have no safety net, our taxes just pour into the black holes of bad judgements, follies’ and pr projects, the ones in charge just walk away or get moved
Millions and sometimes billions just wasted, because the people in charge don’t have a clue or no background in what they are spending our money on
As posted before Alan Johnson, postman, union leader is now in charge of the nhs, why when he admits he knows nothing about it but looking forward to learning…learning, how much public money will be wasted as he learns, was there no one with nhs 1st hand experience who fitted the bill……..on did they go out in the 1st round of auditions
National referendum is part of our system but no party since the early 70s wants to use it, Labour promised but changed their minds, Torys are now promising it but may get in to late…and use that as the excuse, UKIP promise it but know they wont get in so easy promise to make
National referendum is the public safety net and more effective than peaceful protest, there is times when the party in charge need to return the right back to the voters, war, major policy change and huge public spending projects…..they represent us and our viewpoint, not their own
And happy to comprise, lets us vote in leaders for key sections, NHS, military, welfare, green issues etc from any party etc and one person who leads all of them
Maybe the Torys will get in and hold a national referendum, if they do, will be interesting to see how voting figures on a issue compare to parties, it is a system to represent our views and if only the minority are using it, then something is wrong