Hi Jasper.
Good point. Except.....
1) When have I EVER said that I NEVER speed?
2) How brilliant would it be for me to state PUBLICLY that I DO speed..... even if I DID ever do tit....? I would be admitting to something in a public palce for which there are civil proceedings available to the police....
3) Do you think the Police LIKE my constant pressure on them to enforce the speeding laws when they would FAR rather be doing OTHER things?
4) On that basis, do you think that the Police wouldn't WANT to have the huge 'joke' of catching ME outside my OWN House, speeding....?
5) On THAT basis..... do you think I would TRUST the police if they told me the speed trap was going to be on a Wednesday NOT to turn up on the Tuesday, preceeding it......?
For amusement, I'll recount a recent story with them.
The same two 'plastic plod' do the 'survey' each month outside my house. I ALWAYS take then=m tea, cake/biscuits etc. and they ALWAYS use my house for the loo and to warm up, in winter. We are pretty damned friendly. 2 weeks ago, I was returning home when I arrived to find they were 'on duty'. When I took them their tea, they were most dejected! They stated: "that wasn't nice of you.... we saw you coming and we had only just stared, we KNEW no one coudl have warned you.... so we were DEEPLY hoping you'd be speeding because it would by SUCH a huge joke at the station if we caught YOU speeding......"
You see: even the Police that I DO help would like to catch me!
I want NO SPECIAL TREATMENT! If I get caught, I will DESERVE it.... no arguments!