Read what you wrote then read what I wrote about 'delgates' and 'representatives' AGAIN and you'll notice the places where MUCH of what you ask HAS to be precluded!
To take just ONE point, we MUST have 'representatives' who are ABLE to change their minmds in the light of NEW or ALTERED facts! Your suggestion would STOP that! Thus, the MOMENT that a crisis arose, we would have to stop EVERYTHING and have 6 weeks of 'elections'! Are you MAD?
I understand that Politicians are drawn from the ranks of YOU and ME! Thus, whatever failures I have (plenty!) will be present in our politicians, too! You seem to think that the act of BECOMING a politician would suddenly make someone RIGHTEOUS! What utter B*LL*CKS!
Our politiocians are not even GOOD at FRAUD! The sums about which YOU are insenced are PATHETIC! I would be willing to take a BET that the entire budget for PAPER CLIPS for governement offices exceeds the TOTAL 'frauds' committed by our MPs!
When are people like you going to GROW UP and realise that this MADNESS over DUCK HOUSES is a JOKE.... played ON you! The claim that we need to 'change the constitition' when a bunch of people, whom you ALREADY didn't trust turn out to BE untrustworthy is such an UTTER JOKE!
Be PRECISE! Tell me WHEN you first BELIEVED that you could NOT trust MPs? Last M*O*N*T*H, was it???? In GOD@S NAME... why do yo act like a 'goosed spinster'? :
"Oh.... and I thought policitians were SO honourable; I am amazed that they are naughty...."
This is VERY minor matter:-
1) Arrest those who have COMMITTED FRAUD 2) Change rules to prevent it happening again 3) Pay the MPs a PROPER salary (my feeling would be in the region of £150,000..... and they'd STILL be VERY cheap!)
But... you don't understand those because they are COMPLEX so you get upset over something that is SMALL and PATHETIC because you CAN understand it!
And you ask me to have MORE faith in the public....
Ask Susan Boyle how SHE now feels about the 'public'!