love gadgets but hate choosing new phones, read the blogs and pr and sometimes the pr promotes phones above the status they deserve and 1000s sign up....iphone is the C5 of 09
huge and bulky and fitted with a camera nokia user would laugh at 5 years ago
iphone was ruled out due to network, cant get 02 in my area and tarriff plus a mass of other reasons
in the end choose a phone based on my needs, easy interface, decent camera and video (ideally svga) and light & slim, i can live without internet when not at home and using it on 3inch screen is not progress..its torture
in the end went for the samsung tocco ultra after upsetting many a salesman trying others.......not because it is the best phone on the market but because it was the best phone for me at the time
£20 a month, 600 mins, unlimited text on orange
its hard to judge battery life but ruled out alot phones just by using them in various shops, pr is pr,n96 impressed but payments were too high and wrong side of weight-watchers target
choose a phone that suits you not one they want you to buy
I phone will have its worshippers but i am a non believer, flawed design hidden by flash, but your money and enjoy what you spend it on