the point of i was trying to make is, when i was a kid it was drilled into me by my parent and on tv that roads are a dangerous place..look once look twice..STOP. LOOK, LISTEN & THINK before crossing the road..i even had a green cross code t-shirt..far too many pedestrians just step off the road into traffic and then blame the driver. my comment of 'dont go on the road or you will be killed' is extreme i agree, but how else do you make people think before they do something. I just think pedestrians should be more aware when crossing roads..they have just as much responsability for their own safety when crossing the road.
yes i also agree drivers should be more aware of their surroundings, my driving instructer always told me to expect the unexpacted...every other driver on the road is an idiot and will do the unexpected. advice i still use to this day.
i have been involved in 3 accidents in the 20years i have been driving...excesive speed has never been a factor...bad driving was to blame..first..woman crashed into the back of my stationary car, was too busy chatting to her passenger to notice my car, 2nd... woman drove out of a junction straight into the side of my car as i was passing (i was doing 20mph at the time) reason..sun was in her eyes and didnt see me so she pulled out anyway....3rd...woman drove into my parked car in a car park....all bad driving, none of them due to speed.
i would like to see the stats for accidents caused by bad drivers.