Having driven the FIAts and the Countach, I can tell you that it was NOT T*H*A*T heavy a clutch compared to others of that era.... or even earlier ones! Try a badly looked after TR4 if you want HEAVY!.
It's been MANY years since then but.... don't I remember that half the problem was that the hydraulic hoses were folded back on themslelves in places and could 'kink'? Simply 'straightening' the 'run' ligtened it no end? It's been 30 years so I am not certain about that (anymore). I do remember that it had MICROSCOOPIC speedo and rev-counters that you simpy couldn't READ, you sat SO far away..... and you heels were considerably higher than your b*m.... just like today's F1 cars..... and even the GT40 had better rear visibility!