Tripe.... those of us who have LIVED through Recessions can GUARANTEE you that YOUR job is NOT more 'secure' than Ronaldo's OR an MP's!
You, like the rest of us are hanging on by your FINGER TIPS.... you may not know that yet.... but look around you.... you WILL!
You claim noit to 'want' all those 'trapping' in the SAME reply as you say that you WOULD take the job at Ronaldo's wages under ceryain circumstances. If you DON'T want the 'trappings'.... what would you DO with the extra income.........
Let's be 'kind' to you. Let's assume you WOULD give 99% of it away to charity.... wouldn't THAT be worth the 'suffering' of being an MP....
Damn it, you don't NEED top stand for a second term if you don't WANT to..... You'd already have MORE money than you will earn in the REST of your ENTIRE LIFE!
Put brutally, I don't beleive your asnwer and I KNOW you to be, basically, VERY honest man.... but not on THIS one!