Why on Earth should MP's be paid £150,000 per annum, yes they get flack from constituents and opposition alike,yes it is a difficult job, yes the "position" is temporary and liable to change at the Publics whim, BUT, they choose to do it.
For some there seems to be a very personal agenda,you only have to look at sites like www.theyworkforyou.co.uk (or com?) to realise that.
For others it seems to be a "job" they fell into, why ? were they unsuitable or unemployable in the chosen careers they ,in the main nowadays, went to university for. Lets face it NOBODY can say with any certainty "when I leave University I am going to be a Politician", the voting Public may hate everything about them and they could even lose their deposits!
They choose to serve,they are in the same situation as our volunteer Armed Forces who ,due to the Politicians, face 50 times more difficult and dangerous situations and start on a Salary of less than 1/6th of what you are proposing, oh and by the way,the scabby and at times un-fit or below recommended levels for habitation accomodation for both single members of HM Forces and Families is charged for, they pay RENT it is NOT a 2ND home for which they get expenses or allowances. They are told where they serve they have no choice. MPs KNOW that if they are elected they will have to find additional accomodation in London,likewise they know they will get the expense covered.
Make them work for their (our) Money ,make them stay in some basic B and B Monday to Friday and give them a rail Warrant home 4 times a year,same as the Forces get.
That would probably sort the wheat from the chaff so far as who really wants to serve the people,for the people ,by the people.