Read the damned thing.... tell me ONE thing that he was doing that was NOT legal...or even SAFE....OTHER than speeding!
* He WAS 'highly qualified * He WAS driving a mecahnically PERFECT car * The Conditions were PERFECT * He WAS paying FULL attention to his driving * He WAS sober, alert * Etc. * Etc.
Find ANYTHING that he was doing that was WRONG O*T*H*E*R than his S*P*E*E*D! Even YOU accept (state) that the ONLY area in which he made the mistake was in ASSUMING that he COULD safely decide on his OWN choice of maximum speed!
In case you don't know, he arrived in a 30mph zone somewhere in EXCESS of 100mph. He managed to brake enough so that the impact speed was (calculated at) 56mph. He knew the road VERY well having done this same route weekly for many months. He was NOT expecting to find a road works round the blind corner and had NOT expected to find the queue of traffic, of which Miss Woods was the final car.
Clearly, the man was a CRETIN in assuming that he COULD drive at 100mph in a 30mph limit..... but he appears to have been excercizing EXACTLY what you (and many others) have been PROMOTING.... the ability to make a DECISION on his SPEED if he was QUALIFIED so to do!
Like you.... he WASN'T capable of making THAT decision! If HE can't make that decision safely, then I am 1,000% ceratin that YOU aren't capable, either!
Oh..... and please be aware EXACTLY how loudly your comment made me LAUGH when I read THIS Bit:-
"totally wrong as if he had anticiapted that there would be queuing traffic around the corner he would have been going a lot slower."!
Errrr..... 'he would have been gojng a LOT SLOWER'
What SORT of person am I talking to here which doesn't REALISE what a TOTAL HOWLER and complete O*W*N G*O*A*L THAT was?
For your further interest, I've passed that on to colleagues in my line of work... thanks for that! We simply LOVE it and we will QUOTE it on all POSSIBLE occasions!