Except I don't find it morally acceptable to mug old ladies.
You have to laws in society, and you have to enforce these laws to keep order. This is an example, 70mph is roughly the upper limit that it is safe to travel at on motorways. So to maintain order on the roads, this limit must be enforced.
This is why I don't complain about receiving a speeding ticket if I get caught speeding, it's the law and it needs to be enforced to maintain order.
What I do object to though is people who link laws with some form of higher moral code.
Laws are there to create order, not to tell us what is morally right or wrong.
I drive to speeds I deem safe for the conditions, as I believe my own interpretation of the situation will be more accurate than a permanent limit installed to cover infinite different road conditions and rounded to the nearest 10mph.
This works both ways too. I won't drive at 30mph in a 30 limit if I don't see it is safe to do so. I'll go slower if neccesary.
In short, If I break the law, I break the law, I don't neccesarily act imorraly.
At the risk of sounding like a tw*t, I already know what your response is going to be, and could write out a refute in advance, but I need to go to bed now, so lets have your argument about endangering lives selfishly and needlessly and I'll get back to you later.