You can state one case where the introduction of speed cameras has reduced road deaths and say it was a good idea to introduce cameras there. But you can't then apply that logic to the whole country.
That would be like discovering chemotherapy saved someones life and choosing to irradiate the whole populace.
What you need is a large survey of the affects of speed cameras in various sites. Preferably by some clever boffins in the TRL. et voila:
Not my article obviously, but it echos my own opinions on speed cameras, ie they have their uses in certain locations, but are not wise in the vast majority of situations.
I have my own example for you: A very long stretch of single-lane carriageway on the A1079 was a perfect spot for overtaking the inevitable 40-50mph lorries/old fogies you'd find. Excellent visibility and loads of room for overtaking SAFELY. A camera was installed, I won't speculate as to why, but the upshot was that overtaking is far less feasible there now, resulting in more delays, and in the case of the impatient drivers, higher risk of accident when they attempt their overtaking manouvre at a less favourable spot.