Nice try at a side step..... who is the victim of the crime of taking Heroin, Dave.....?
The BIG difference is that (by current figures) there are 1000 DEAD victims of speeding (1/3rd of all road deaths have speed as an element of the accident). Not QUITE the victimless crime you are trying to suggest.....
Numerically, 1000 is NOT a huge number from the total of road users.... unless YOUR wife, child, parent, etc. is ONE of those victims. THEN your view would change! The rest of us are trying to prevent MORE people from JOINING that list about which you don't seem to care......
I simply LOVE that argument about: 'is it worth BOTHERING with the few who die from road accidents... simply because the numbers are SO low...' (about 2 to 3 a WEEK!)
In fact, I am SO impressed with it, I will apply the IDENTICAL argument to OTHER examples....
1) Is it worth BOTHERING about the 2 soldiers and the Policeman who died this week? I mean, they are ONLY three people out of ALL thos OTHER deaths......
2) Is it worth BOTHERING about those little old ladies who get MUGGED to death.... I mean. it's ONLY a handful of old ladies who hadn't got long to live ANYWAY......
3) Was it worth persuing Fred and Rosemary West, the Yorkshire Ripper, Dr Shipman, Rachel Nickell's murderer, Ian Brady, Myra Hindley, the Kray twins, etc...... I mean.... they ONLY managed to kill a handful between them!
We clearly differ, Dave.... My view is that they ALL matter because any ONE of the victims or any ONE of speeder's victims could have been MY family.... or even YOUR family!