Davy.... you KEEP making the howler of using the word 'entrapmemt' in entirely the WRONG manner.
Entrapment has a specific meaning, if the Police erected a sign saying 'it's safe to speed NOW becasue thetre are no cops about' and placed a speed camera WITHIN that location, then that WOULD be 'entrapment'. If they built a HILL (downward) towards are speed trap... THAT would be 'entrapment' . Placing the camera AT the bottom of a hill is NOT 'entrapment' as THEY didn't BUILD the hill for the purposes of TRAPPING someone. It's ONLY 'entrapment' when the police create some form of lure or 'bait'. Placing a bundle of £5 notes on a window sill to CATCH a thief IS entrapment. Watching a pile of notes on a window sill that was NOT placed their by the police is NOT 'entrapment'!
* Entrapment: a defense that claims the defendant would not have broken the law if not tricked into doing it by law enforcement officials
Nobody LURED them into speeding, they did so of their own MINDLESSNESS!
Secondly, your claim is beyond LUDICROUS. You are STILL trying to pretend that speed cameras are about 'goverment income' and you are DESPERATE to attempt to show this by your silly 'speed limiter' example. How daft is THAT?
If the Govt. DID need this method of gaining income, the opportunity to gain income from the limiters is FAR higher. All they'd need to do is to set an annual charge for RELEASING the car from some form of 'lock-out',. Not ALL drivers get caught speeding every year BUT, with limiters, E*V*E*R*Y driver would need to pay a fee once a year!
Even easier, all they NEED to do is to add £15 to ALL Road Fund Tax and they would gain VASTLY more income for a FRACTION of the effort, expense, bad publicity anmd WHINING form the cretins who get CAUGHT. They already HAVE the system in place and it is NO MORE EXPENSIVE to colect £215 than it is to collect £200.
The 'revenue' argument is BLATANTLY a COMPLETE JOKE when you spend more than 2 SECONDS thinking about it!
Thirdly, there is not ONE of us 'kart engineers' who could NOT 'byepass' A*N*Y system fitted to our cars and then reconnect it prior to the 'mot' (or whatever). Such a device would be EASY to defeat. They have always fallen foul of the PRACTICAL 'test'. Just think of the HUGE complexities of the RANGE of limiters that you'd need. A modern car with electronic iginition would work in ONE limiter but how the HELL would you put that on a 1990s Caterham with distributor and COIL ignition? Before that, how the HELL do you apply it to a 'magneto' system or, even earlier, a DIESEL? What about the mechanical injection system of a TR6? It will hve MANY More problems than the existing system... but that MAY not stop our govt. choosing that route.....!
It's a JOKE system!