Sorry Will, have to disagree again on a few points there. the reason we have no manufacturing industries anymore is not because "the costs simply got too high with unions and people demanding higher wages, and that caused unbalance in the economy. " It was due to the fact we could get it cheaper from half way around the globe ! And incidentally a lot of the time they took our basic ideas and developed them a little,if memory serves me right the engine that was used to kick start the Datsun/Nissan car market over here was a Morris minor with a reworked /improved head.
Regarding dole money,if there aren't sufficient jobs to go round what then? This as Ian quite rightly says is the START of the recession,no doubt in a few months time people will be posting " having to quit karting as I have lost my job" quite regularly, some of us are old enough to have been through this before.
Lets just hope the Indian and Chinese workforces don't want parity with ours or we have all had it.
Lets face it though the Govt aren't doing much for labour relations when they still allow foreign workers in to do job's in Britain that Britons could do. Whereby the EU membership allows it,should we not implement measures to discourage it? Perhaps more Tax on the Companies that employ them to offset dole money paid out because of it. I am sure Total could manage an extra £1,000,000 a month.Maybe even hit the "guest workers" where it hurts, most European countries have no Road Tax like ours using tolls instead. Make ALL foreign vehicles on entry to the UK pay Road Tax, as we have to,cars, lorries ,coaches whatever, that would generate Millions in revenue every year. And if they can't afford it ,turn them round and send them home.We pay their tolls or Vignette in Benelux countries so it's only tit for tat.