That's silly, Nik: nobody can PROVE a negative.
The fact that no proof exists for the positive say a HELL of a lot more.
Were I to suggest that we ALL should wear paper underwear simply becasue there is NO evidence that paper underwear does HARM to racedrivers is the EQUILAVALENT of what you are claiming! I trust you would NOT suggest that the MSA should MANDATE paper underwear on THAT 'proof' and yet you are happy for them to do so about plastics with the SAME level of 'proof'!
You have been agreeing with me that the Leat and the Soft neck braces are VERY questionable until some PROOF exists for their use in karting. How come that same argument does NOT apply to plastics?
Of COURSE we can compare the 1990s 'nerf bar' karts to 1990s plastic coated karts karts..... why..... because those were the EXACT karts which the plastic trash REPLACED! For a while, they raced on the SAME circuits TOGETHER! There was NO 'development time' between the two: however, there has been almost FIFTY years of development between the 1960s karts in the video and the current ones!
Doesn't it worry you at ALL that there has been NO evidence WHATSOEVER that plastics improve safety? Let alone proof that they REDUCE the incidnec of overturning.... whcih is what is being CLAIMED for them, by John at least!
Again, you are wrong about the lack of claim that plastics 'reduce' overturning. Firstly, this STARTS with John implying that claim and secondly, that is EXACTLY what LOADS of OTHER people have claimed. They claim it becasue they THINK that plastics prevent 'interlocking'. However, they do NOT for two reasons:-
1) They MIGHT prevent interlocking if they did NOT deform under impact which then ALLOWS interlocking to occur 2) They MIGHT prevent it if it was NOT banned to extend the plastcis enough to cover the wheels....... The current situation is EXACTLY like the karts of the 1960s: a NARROW (amount of) wheel protruding beyond the limit of the kart!
Finally, they MIGHT prevent interlocking if you compare them to the 1960s karts....... BUT....., the plastics did NOT replace THOSE karts. They replaced karts which had a BETTER anti-interlocking system...... the full length Nerf Bar! They actually replaced a GOOD system with a CR*P system!
However, what REALLY just occurred is that you have realised/remembered that the claim is LUDICROUS...... which is where I came in......