There are karters in 'the general public'.
The general public are not stupid, otherwise, you must include yourself in that group.
You have to accept that people will have opinions, regardless of whether those opinions are valid or even logical.
I for one would not like to live in a society where only fact was recognised.
It's too clinical and boring.
Many great people have tried to create 'the perfect society' and failed.
Anyway, how do you KNOW that the scientists ARE correct?
They tell you one thing one minute and another the next.
You just choose to believe them because their argument (that's a word that really needs an E in it) sounds more plausible that another.
'Drink plenty of water', at least 2 1/2 litres a day. Too much water WILL kill you.
Especially if your head is in it. Funny that. Same thing happens when you stick it up your a***, you can't see or hear.