Alan.... I'm stuck with my perrenial problem. At my age, I know that the general public are STUPID, almost beyond belief! I only need to say 'The Sun, The Daily Mail, Football, Coronation Street, East Enders, Big Brother, The X factor, etc.' to illustrate my point, COMPLETELY!
My dilemma is that, on the contrary, I think karters ARE intelligent NOT ALL of them are stupid! I therefore expect most of them to grasp the DIFFERENCE between 'Global Warming' and 'Climate Change'. In case some of you DON'T: it's simple:-
* 'Climate Change' describes the RESULT of the problem * 'Global Warming' is the CAUSE of the problem
To take an analogy, the former is like saying : "your Tyre is flat", the latter is like saying: "the VALVE is faulty in your wheel". The former tells you NOTHING about the cause, the latter also contains the SOLUTION!
You'll need to convince me that ALL karters are stupid to make me feel we SHOULD use the 'easier' term!