"As you know I don't nessasarily believe anything I hear or read, only what I see with my own eyes"
Ahhhh...... I see....
So, because you have never seen a Virus or bacterium then Edwin Jenner's work passes you bye, as does Fleming's, Louis Pasteur's etc.......
And, of course, that of the ENTIRE works based on electricity...... or have you been seeing THAT lately? Mobile phones work by magic becausee you can't SEE the radiowaves?
Come to think of it..... unless you have found a way to see INSIDE a cylinde while the kart is running, you must also think it's pixies (or whatever) that powers your kart, too?
Don't kid yourself, Road Rat, because ypu don't fool US..... it's NOTHING to do with what you can 'SEE' ..... it's that you are an OSTRICH..... you only 'see' what you WANT to see!