Chad, I've been keeping an eye on Oz lately, there's a lot going on isn't there, the storms from Antarctica are major. I bet you havn't seen snow this late in years. All thanks to the significant cooling. The melt at Antarctica hasn't even started yet, again highly unusual!
this info from somewhere else:
Our weather however, is powered by the SUN... and the sun has decided to flip some switches and zap some gas here and there. to change the "outflow" of materials..As our planet deals with "older" gas and material from the sun it also has to deal with other radiative materials like the field of debris the earth is encountering..And the WIDE spin axis of our World right now. this allows this "material" in alot easier.. That material including cosmic rays are getting in alot easier in that south Atlantic anomaly. Cosmic rays, volcanic ash, smoke, smog, vog etc are cloud condensating nuclei CCN. All that water vapor mixing it up with CCN and rain, rain, rain and snow, snow, snow.
Quote: Danish researchers build magnetic observatory in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean Quote:
The Earth's magnetic field is losing strength
At present the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field is decreasing by 5% every hundred years and researchers do not know why or what the consequences will be. In the South Atlantic Anomaly, the strength of the magnetic field is decreasing ten times as fast and the measuring station will therefore also give the researchers the opportunity to learn more about the consequences of the global weakening of the magnetic field.
The magnetic field protects the Earth from radiation from space and the area around the South Atlantic Anomaly is therefore very poorly protected. In the Anomaly, the radiation belts that surround the Earth, the van Allen belts, are very close to the surface of the Earth.