Err......... I thought that I still HAVE a 'career' in poilitics! Unless you know that my 'voters' will 'eject' me in 3 year's time?
Errrrr....... what in GOD'S NAME did I need to 'TWIST'? What have I TWISTED about your statement that NOTHING will make YOU change your mind??????
What AM I supposed to do with THAT position!
Perhaps I should start taking such ludicrous views over OTHER matters: here's an example:-
"I believe that RoadRat is 27 feet tall and NO EVIDENCE, REPORTS nor anything ELSE can convince me otherwise!"
Now, when YOU manage to PROVE to ME that you are NOT 27 feet tall, then I'll accept your point...... Oh...... but don't forget, just like YOU: NOTHING is going to get me to change my mind on THAT one!
This should be GOOD!
OPEN YOUR MIND and we can DISCUSS things! There is NO point in discussions with YOU if you keep a CLOSED mind!
All you have to do is suggest ANY form of evidence which COULD persuade you...... but of course, that would negate your DAFT claim!